Safe light levels for all monitors

At night we have to watch our favorite TV shows and movies, right? After all, the best atmosphere is to turn off all the lights around you and enjoy it to the fullest. However, such an attitude can be bad for the eyes. Especially when it comes to the cold light emitted from TVs and computer monitors. This also includes cell phones. Especially before going to bed, you can\’t help but notice who has “liked” your picture, who has “liked” your picture, and who has “liked” your picture. or who has posted something new on a social network…. How can we protect ourselves from these dangers of which we are unaware?dítě u televize.png
Don\’t use monitors as the only source of light in the room!
Do not make the monitor the only source of light in the room. This is when it is already dark or gloomy outside. At this time, our eyes become accustomed to what is going on outside and our pupils open to take in more light. And by looking at a screen, we are letting a large amount of light into our eyes from a single point. It is definitely not healthy. You have probably experienced tired and sore eyes from looking at monitors for long periods of time in poorly lit areas. The same goes for watching TV only at night without other supplemental lighting.
What should we do? Modern monitors have an option to turn on so-called night lighting. If you do so, you may notice that the monitor is tinted orange. This is to simulate the time when the sun is setting and you are about to go to sleep. Classic cold light simulates more daylight. So the brain thinks it is daylight and does not want to sleep. That\’s why looking at screens late at night causes insomnia.speciální ovladač.jpg
If you don\’t have the ability to change the color temperature, use the lighting around your house. Preferably warm-colored bulbs, i.e., orange bulbs. That way, you will feel less tired after watching a movie or playing a game on the computer. Once you get used to this fact, watching TV without ambient light will become painful and uncomfortable for your eyes. As a general rule, you should not watch any device before bedtime. Be it a cell phone, television, or computer. However, no one wants to just stare at the wall before bed. So, the factors already mentioned can make looking at devices at night more enjoyable.