Schools do indeed brainwash children. Since the time of Maria Theresa, education has been compulsory in our country, at least in primary education. And it is true that this has greatly increased the literacy rate in our country. Today, however, more and more people are saying that this is an outdated approach and, given today\’s educational situation, rather harmful to children.
They see the problem as the brainwashing of today\’s children into essentially “liberal” ideas. For example, citing the fact that children are allegedly taught about LBTQ+, that there are multiple genders and that we must welcome all people regardless of why they come and how well their customs and culture conform to ours often.
Indeed, our situation is somewhat unique. In this context, we are talking primarily about inclusion and the elimination of special needs and special schools. Certainly, as a partial replacement, classroom assistants have been introduced for children in need, but there is no doubt that this has not been handled very well. This, of course, spurs the arguments of those who oppose traditional education. But is there any truth in this?
In fact, no. Politics has no place in schools, and everyone should know that. But in practice, many teachers do not adhere to it. In fact, there are teachers who more or less explicitly teach children not only their knowledge but also their political views. But this is not limited to one side of the political spectrum or the other; it applies to everyone.
The law has not changed in this regard. Not only should we remain non-political, but we should also teach our children the basics of decency and tolerance. Indeed, we often forget that it is the parents who have the greatest influence on their children in this regard. Certainly schools bring about change, but it is very rare indeed for a child\’s outlook on life to be completely changed by school.