Love and its magic

Love is a very beautiful thing, simply effective and helps heal a aching soul. For when someone meets someone, they may not fall in love right away. You may love that person, but that is not true love. True love looks very different from the person you love. True love is something that gives that person more energy, more sincerity. People fall in love, and when they fall in love, they change a little bit. When a person falls in love, his or her soul really changes too. Love is very magical, and everyone sees love in a slightly different concept.
When I fall in love with someone, it is never the same love as when someone actually utters the words that they are in love. When someone says they like someone, I take it a little differently than when I like them. Maybe that person acts much better than before. Truly love is a very strange thing, there is a lot of magic and there will always be magic. If that person does not just love that person, but truly and genuinely loves that person, then there must always be a great deal of love in that love.
When one is in need, love helps a great deal. For love is natural, and everyone needs to be loved. Without love, one can never be happy. Because happiness is in love, one must be happy in love. Love is what makes people happy.
