Many people still feel that the man is the one who supports his family. But today it\’s really not what it used to be. Today, it\’s about the woman bringing money into the household as well, because she also works many times today, often from morning to night. Nowadays, we can even see that a man, instead of buying his wife at least a little something for pleasure, spends all his money on silly things that he often doesn\’t even need. For that reason alone, women have to work nowadays, because they are often the ones who support themselves, their household and their children on their salaries. Men often earn only for themselves.
It is very interesting if one compares today and the past. In the past it was about the man trying to earn as much money as possible to support his family, and today it is about the fact that the man many times does not want to give a penny of his salary because he claims to be saving and yet he spends it on stupid things or even on his mistress, and the woman is the one who pays absolutely everything. Today\’s times are very sad in many ways. It is certainly not as it used to be. A lot of people would like to know where the turning point has come and it has come about that women are taking care of everything, even in terms of the financial side.
Do you think it is a good thing that men do not want to contribute a penny and that women have to manage everything financially on their own? It is definitely not good. It would be understandable if a woman lived without a partner, but if she lives with a partner, it should work out at least that both of them give part of their salary to what is needed. It\’s not fair if one saves his entire paycheck slowly and the other spends almost his entire paycheck during the month on whatever is needed. If the way things work in your household is that the woman pays for everything, it would be more than advisable to get your household in order, because it really isn\’t fair that only one person pays for everything, and often it is the woman. It really shouldn\’t be like that.