Men and Manipulation

If there is one thing I am really good at, it is manipulating people. Some men are so good at it that they don\’t even know they are being manipulated. But there are also men who have no trouble sensing that someone is trying to manipulate them. It all depends on the person. Manipulating someone is certainly not ideal, but unfortunately there are plenty of people who do it, and they like doing it. Of course, they don\’t just do that. There is always something behind it. Manipulative people do so to accomplish what they want to accomplish.

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In many cases, they try to manipulate others into doing what the manipulator wants. In extreme cases, they may try to manipulate the person in order to steal something from him or her. Men are especially good at manipulating others. Unfortunately, manipulating others can change your life and not for the better. It would be nice if you were naive and really only did what you wanted. Never allow yourself to be manipulated by others or it will hurt you.

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Women are not as manipulative as men. You really have to be careful. Some men are consciously manipulative, but others are unconsciously manipulative. One should always think fully before doing anything. Some people can spot a manipulator and can even point out what the manipulator is doing. But there are also those who never try to expose them. You have to be really careful and be careful not to hurt yourself. It is not a good idea to start something with a manipulator. Remember this. If you come across such a person, it is best to stay out of it.