Education Goes to Z?

Education is absolutely essential for every individual and at the same time for society as a whole. There are many aspects to education today, which can be seen, for example, in the educational style of today\’s universities. A very complex but important and pressing issue today is how to decide what children should learn in school. This is an issue that until a few years ago might not have been discussed at all. Today we finally find ourselves in a situation where we have a lot of information and at the same time we do not want to stop teaching any of it. Some of them we keep because of a conservative need for tradition, others simply because they are needed.

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However, what is needed changes very quickly and the amount is constantly increasing. Even the generation of children born in the early 1990s did not have to learn about computers in elementary school, what they consisted of, or how to use them properly. Today, this lesson is absolutely necessary, but it must be included in the timetable at the expense of other subjects. Usually this means that art and music classes are cut. This is because children who want to pursue an interest in art can go to a primary art school.

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Unfortunately, while this practice is very common, even child development specialists are not entirely convinced that it is the right thing to do. Even teaching art in schools makes sense. But what is the key to changing the timetable to accommodate all subjects without compromising existing ones? This is a very complex question. Perhaps what is wrong is simply the whole concept and the sense that we must cram all the information into the children as quickly as possible. Perhaps the leisure time we are systematically depriving children of is what they could best use and what would lead to the natural acquisition of skills.